
  SAGOMA SYSTEM is the revolutionary program for design and project documentation creation on the basis of ready-made structural solutions.        Market capacity The demand for construction of private houses increases worldwide every year. In 2018 in Russia were registered 232K private houses, in Germany were 300K, in England 241K. In Russia average price for square meter without finishing is $500, in Europe 1500$. Despite of price in Russia 75%, in Europe 50% of customers choose brick houses. Problem - Solution Decreasing of building quality due to cheap foreign labor and irresponsibility of architects together with construction volume increasing, new materials appearance and more strict energy-efficacy requirements. Sagoma is akin to kids blocks which are basements, walls, slabs and roofs. There are from 5 to 10 types for every element. So client chooses the best suited h
  Револ юционная  программа по созданию клиентоориентированной чертёжной и проектной документации на базе готовых соединений материалов (узлов). https :// sagomas . com                 9698733@ mail .ru Объём рынка Каждый год во всём мире растёт спрос на частные дома. В 2018 в России было зарегистрировано 232 тыс., в Германии 300 тыс., в Англии 241 тыс.. В России средняя стоимость без отделки составляет $500, в Европе $1500 за 1 кв. метр. Несмотря на более высокую, в сравнении с каркасными домами, стоимость, в России 75%, в Европе 50% выбирают кирпичные или из блоков дома.   Проблема – решение Сагома это ответ на безграмотность строителей и архитекторов на фоне увеличения объёмов строительства, появления новых материалов и требований по энерго – эффективности. Сагома похожа на набор детских кубиков. Кубики это фундаменты, стены, перекрытия, крыши. Для каждого элемента разработано от 5 до 10 разновидностей. Пользователь м
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SKILLS – 7 7. Solve problems that impede the execution of a construction project quickly and efficiently. Some unresolved issues on time, or issues that cannot be resolved without discussion by all interested parties, can turn into problems. Transformed into a problem, they require immediate preventive actions in order to prevent aggravation. Unfortunately, in the construction process, such perturbations are not uncommon and very rather even the rule. No matter how well individual processes are debugged, due to a lot of people involved in it from the customer to the worker, could trigger so-called “human factor”, that is, an event caused by the action of an individual person, whose paradigm may differ from commonly expected. For example, despite the existence of safety regulations and instructions foreman or craftsman constantly neglects their observance when doing high-altitude work. And if words or fines do not work, then the person must be replaced wi
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SKILLS – 5,6 5. When communicating with other participants in a construction project, manifest tasks and solutions concisely and clearly.        Communication between stakeholders of construction project cannot and should not be limited to meetings and online communication s . One of the most important parts to submit questions for discussion in meeting is to make up them in a clear way. Before each meeting, it is necessary to send a list of questions to be discussed, to each of the participants in a day or two, to enable them to prepare answers or additional questions. During the course of the meeting, a competent person should conduct minutes so that after the end it will be possible to understand the essence of the proposed solutions and to draw out a relevant summary of the meeting. The best time to process and summarize the abstract is immediately after the end, since the memory has the trait to distort the information as times go by. So, head
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SKILLS - 3,4 3.Efficiently organize the working time of the construction project team. W orking time management of the construction project team always concerns of setting priorities for the whole team, as well as for each member individually. When construction project unfolds it's not rare when appear situations tied with the shortage of time. For example, the customer makes changes to the project, but materials are already ordered according to the previous specifications or a drastic change in the weather and the need to take measures to preserve the work already done. Usually every project team member have certain responsibilities, but when such emergency situation arises (and sometimes it seems that some projects consist only of them) it is necessary that construction project manager has to intervene in order to redistribute responsibilities or help subordinates determine the importance of tasks. In such issues for instance very helpful wil


1.Delegate the task to the person prepared for its implementation, making sure that the person has the experience to solve it and clearly understands the conditions of the task. During the execution of a construction project, each person in a team performs certain functions defined by his contract and duties. These functions, and result of the execution of these functions should be detailed in the job description, in order to eliminate possible conflicts of responsibility in the future. Nevertheless, different situations often arise in a construction project; it is not always possible to foresee their occurrence, especially on projects that are completely distinguish from previously implemented. The solution of such issue and control over implementation of this decision should be entrusted to a person who is prepared for such task and has the time, strength and ability to do so. And before beginning of accomplishment you have to assure that the track and outcome of his so