The modern coaching raises some questions which I try to clear now. What the coaching is all about? Why do we have such enormous amount of coaches? And why they deceive us?       
      Basically coaching is adjustment of characteristics and skills in accordance with the life requests: business training, in the case of lack of knowledge in marketing, sales, leadership, and other technologies that allow you to effectively profit from your work; when problems are inside or with the people around you, then personal growth courses should help develop inner attitude and patterns in order to correct them. Bluntly speaking the kind of classic rule, cultivated by all animals and especially by humanity: the older teach the younger, the younger learn from the experience and skills of the older.
      Until recently, it was so. Because the information came from
books and experiences. But, nowadays information has become commonly available and coaching training can be obtained from the computer screen. Once, listening to the coach Darren Hardy, I saw a very regretting comment - “My God, I paid 15 hundred dollars a week for his course in New York, but here it is all free.” Increasing request in coaches gave opportunities to take advantage for youngsters who understood well the main principle of business coaching – do as many tryouts as possible, persistence eventually will be rewarded. So, nowadays we have a lot of different types of coaches whom essentially transmit some kinds of life hacking: how to quickly adjust superficial behavior patterns: smile, planning, listen, study needs, treat people and so on. Firstly everything looks as correct, but after time appear a feeling of emptiness. Likewise coach Tony Robbins who just earning money transmitting obvious things. When I saw him for the first time, I realized that this is a style of communication between the trainer and trainees. My Thai box coach taught us in the same way of orders - “leg up!”, “Well done!”
      Where are the thoughtful, verified words of an intellectual, where is the experience hanging above the shoulders with a heavy burden of responsibility?
      I‘m confident that a business coach who has not created any significant business (of course unless coach’s own), or after university with dad’s support and thanks to his knowledge of the language is able to translate the ideas of others in Russian, not supported by his own experience, doesn’t have a deep understanding of business and life processes. When a youngster 30 years after living cozy life thanks for parental money and had not frozen at 20 in a sawmill, like Brian Tracy and has flown around the world in an airplane, and not in a ship stoker like Tracy, begins to teach me, who survived over perestroika, an ice-covered cabin with a little stove in the taiga with 60 degree frost, worth losses and hyperinflation;
It's like cheap whisky - the 3rd grade in a beautiful package. People with rich life experience are well aware what I mean. How many times he died but survived, how many times he lost his worth, he changed job? Where from he knows the sense of life without such experience, which in turn gives power of conviction to his words. Without such experience it’s just shallow chatting.
      Once Brian Tracy put it that way - we live in an age of amateurs, where everyone is solving immediate problems. Picked up life hacks, everyone just wants to get rich, replacing principles and laws of nature by subjective values, not realizing that the truth is not in muscles, costumes, houses, yachts, sex, and even not in workaholism, as Alan Watkins accurately stated in his performance in 2016, but in human relationships and internal setting for life. On which of the 34,000 planets according Watkins statement that determine feelings is locating this man and where that planet is on the scale of universal values.

      And the last question I want to raise is about the age: Stephen Covey, one of the greatest life coaches of our time, turned 57 when he published “7 skills”, and this is the age when life observations and acquired knowledge are transformed into a clear picture of the world where all things have their place. Brian Tracy, whom we know perf due to his visits to Moscow, was already around 60, when we firstly saw him. When we’re listening to coach we want to hear his opinion, supported by experience, and more outstanding and considerable it is, more the retention after his performance. All other is just chatting and don't work. It's a cheating, because you will spent money for nothing. And it is definitely the matter to contemplate over. Thank you.


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